Music on the Go:
Built for You!
We’re musicians and entrepreneurs who’ve created a platform specifically for classical musicians.
- Brand yourself as a performer
- Promote your recordings
- Start or grow your business as a teacher
- Grow (or launch) your career as a musician
With our team of communications and business experts, combined with our years of experience as musicians, we help you build the strong, healthy business you want and need.
Music on the Go:
Built for You!
We’re musicians and entrepreneurs who’ve created a platform specifically for classical musicians.
- Brand yourself as a performer
- Promote your recordings
- Start or grow your business as a teacher
- Grow (or launch) your career as a musician
With our team of communications and business experts, combined with our years of experience as musicians, we help you build the strong, healthy business you want and need.
You’re Unique.
Your website and brand assets should be too.
Take control of the business of your art by working with a team that’s been put together exclusively for you and your peers.
We ARE you!
We know how to help you succeed!
About Music on the Go
Rudolf Ozolins and Irma Svanadze are businesspeople, musicians, entrepreneurs, and branding experts. Both alums of Michigan State University’s world-class music program, their passions are both music and business.
With Music on the Go, they set out to create a company to help classical musicians build the performing and teaching careers they want.
Unlike the thousands of other branding and business companies out there, they understand the struggles of a touring classical musician or a gifted teacher. They’ve been there. They know how tough it is to be successful at a job that you make look so effortless.
Let Music on the Go help you start, build, and grow your business. Whatever you need, this is the team that can supply it.
Rudolf Ozolins and Irma Svanadze are businesspeople, musicians, entrepreneurs, and branding experts. Both alums of Michigan State University’s world-class music program, their passions are both music and business.
With Music on the Go, they set out to create a company to help classical musicians build the performing and teaching careers they want.
Unlike the thousands of other branding and business companies out there, they understand the struggles of a touring classical musician or a gifted teacher. They’ve been there. They know how tough it is to be successful at a job that you make look so effortless.
Let Music on the Go help you start, build, and grow your business. Whatever you need, this is the team that can supply it.
Everything in One Place
Our Mission
Our first passion in life was music. Our mission is to help you grow your business, so more people can hear your music, can feel the way classical music makes you feel, and to make sure you do it with a business that allows you to live comfortably.
One-Stop Shop
From print to digital media, planning to execution, design to development, our team of professionals is here to make you look your best and grow your business quickly.
There’s no need to cobble together a team to do each part of your business development; the team at Music on the Go has it all.
We’re musicians, too. And business leaders. We understand what you’re going through and what you need to succeed. That’s why we created Music on the Go.
Everything we do is designed to help you build and grow your business, whatever you choose to do.
We’ve been there. You might not have a lot right now. That’s why we offer pricing and packages for every budget and every need.
There’s no long-term commitment and NO hidden fees. You can stop our services any time.
The Music on the Go Approach
There’s no one like you. Every note you play or sing, everything you do, is uniquely you.
You have your own unique needs and wants.
That’s why, at Music on the Go, we create the precise program you need to succeed. From the first discovery conversation to the launch to the applause and the contracts, we’re here to back you on your way to success.
Music on the Go is the world’s only branding and business support firm dedicated to classical artists.
From print to digital to business growth, the team at Music on the Go is here for you and your career.